Friday, September 3, 2010

Ride the waves with me @ Flowrider

I read somewhere in the magazine that flowing water is a symbol of good luck. Perhaps that was part of what my boss had in mind when he purchased a wave simulator called the Flowrider. But apart from the fengshui elements, this piece of machinery has its specific attractions. With 150,000 litres of water flowing at 30 kilometres an hour, the Flowrider creates a sheet of wave that feels like ocean waves. This allows riders to experience surfing without having to go to the beach.

I tried it out myself and it's harder than I thought. I used a bodyboard to ride the waves as it is easier, without having to stand up. The current is strong so I had to hold on to the board tightly. After a few attempts at bodysurfing, I finally managed to ride the waves in style. With more practice, I'm sure that I'll turn pro. This is a great tool for surfers, pro and amateur, to improve on their surfing skills. The kids seem to have a knack for this. Maybe they have better balance compared to adults.

There are over a hundred of Flowrider installed around the world such as Norway, South Africa, USA and UAE. Right now, Malaysians get to enjoy this exciting wave simulator right here in Sunway Lagoon. It is located at the Surf Beach. Some say that it is the next best thing to ocean surfing.

This is a must try for wave lovers around. Do come by to try it out yourself @ the Water Park in Sunway Lagoon. Park opens from 11am - 6pm Mon,Wed-Fri; 10am-6pm Sat-Sun & Public holidays.

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