Friday, October 1, 2010

Tribute to Arthur Guinness on Arhur's Day in Malaysia

somebody call 911- Sean Kingston set the stage on fire!
 It's been such a crazy week! Flo Rida, Sean Kingston, Colby O'Donnis and Miss Nina were at Sunway Lagoon! I was meant to update sooner but I was just so swamped with work. Flash back to Arthur's Day, the Events & Enterntainment Team, the Operations team and basically everyone else who works in Sunway Lagoon were just running around preparing for the event. 
the stars came to do their soundchecks/rehearsals and then we're all good to go. It rained in the evening so the Surf Beach looked like a sea of jellyfish with the crowd wearing raincoats over their clothes. the VIPs came about 8ish and the show began with the local opening act Pop Shuvit singing their hit song Mara Bahaya that made the crowd go crazy. Miss Nina was looking hot on stage breaking out some dance moves with her dancers and Colby O'Donnis. Sean Kingston got the crowd going by singing Beautiful Girl, 911 and he even sang a cover of Justin Bieber's Need Somebody to Love. Flo Rida has the best body ever. It was a great performance where he sang all his club hits such as In the Ayer, Low, Right Round and Can't Handle Me.

We put out hands in the Ayer for Flo Rida

there were more than 8000 people at the Surf Beach enjoying their drinks and watching the show. Guinness really did a great job providing the drinks. I was hanging out at the VIP section with my friends, watching Sean Kingston and Florida doing their thing on stage. it was really a blast! Happy Arthur's Day!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Life in a day of an Intern @ Sunway Lagoon

Buffalo Bill Coaster
Hi, my name is Colleta and I am a student from Kenya. I have come to study Hospitality & Tourism in Malaysia. I have been here for almost 2 years now. For my second year, I have applied to be an intern at Sunway Lagoon. As an employee, I get to experience the park as a visitor for a day, free of charge. I have to say, it is one of the best experience I have had on a working day!

Colorado Splash

It was a sunny day, perfect for a day out. So my colleague and I went to experience the park together. We started off at the Amusement Park, riding the Buffalo Bill Coaster, Colorado Splash, Pirate’s Revenge (pirate ship that goes 360 degrees), just to name a few. Then we went to the Scream Park, which is like a haunted house. It was really scary and bizarre.

Bungy Jump
Then we went to the Surf Beach for a dip before proceeding to the Extreme Park for some real fun. We said we had to try the Bungy Jump at least once in our lives. So we tried to calm our nerves, ignore our washing machine tummy and step on the ledge. My colleague went first, she was so scared that they did a count down for her 5 times before she actually jumped. I was really afraid, I closed my eyes, said a prayer and I leapt. The feeling was like flying for the first few seconds and I was screaming obscenities the next. I was so drunk on adrenaline that I felt all tingly afterwards.

G-Force X
To continue to feed our adrenaline high, we decided to ride on the G-Force X. It looks like a slingshot that shoots you 65 metres all the way up into the sky at 120kmph within 2 seconds. My heart leapt and my stomach did a thosand flip flops while I screamed when we plummetted downwards to the ground. At that moment I realize that I am truly experiencing the maximum thrill of riding the G-force as it continued to bounce in mid-air. This is one of asia’s highest and fastest slingshot rides and a must-try for you thrill seekers out there.


When I am finally stable and have calmed down, we went to try some other Extreme Park games and rides such as the Archery target shooting, the ATV ride and Go-Kart racing. I think I have a natural talent for target shooting. My colleague commented that I must have been a hunter back home in Kenya. I rolled my eyes at her. Since we enjoyed archery so much, the game attendant actually gave us extra arrows. 


The other thing that I enjoy very much is Go-Kart racing. But my colleague drove really slowly so it’s not much of a challenge for me. I have always wanted to race and not have the fear of ever crashing. So on this day, I was like an F1 racer. I got into the car and knew I was the best of the best as I accelerated away and maneuvered the corners; I was Lewis Hamilton in the making. What a bomb!

The adrenaline rush subsided, so we went for a soak in the wave pool before trying out the slides at the Water Park. We would have gone for another 5 rounds on the Cameroon Climb and African Pythons if we weren’t so exhausted from all the Extreme Park activities. We ended our park experience with a half hour soak in the Wave Pool before hitting the showers and head for home. If only every day at work were like a park visit...

Do drop by for a good time @ Sunway Lagoon. Lots of love x

Friday, September 3, 2010

Ride the waves with me @ Flowrider

I read somewhere in the magazine that flowing water is a symbol of good luck. Perhaps that was part of what my boss had in mind when he purchased a wave simulator called the Flowrider. But apart from the fengshui elements, this piece of machinery has its specific attractions. With 150,000 litres of water flowing at 30 kilometres an hour, the Flowrider creates a sheet of wave that feels like ocean waves. This allows riders to experience surfing without having to go to the beach.

I tried it out myself and it's harder than I thought. I used a bodyboard to ride the waves as it is easier, without having to stand up. The current is strong so I had to hold on to the board tightly. After a few attempts at bodysurfing, I finally managed to ride the waves in style. With more practice, I'm sure that I'll turn pro. This is a great tool for surfers, pro and amateur, to improve on their surfing skills. The kids seem to have a knack for this. Maybe they have better balance compared to adults.

There are over a hundred of Flowrider installed around the world such as Norway, South Africa, USA and UAE. Right now, Malaysians get to enjoy this exciting wave simulator right here in Sunway Lagoon. It is located at the Surf Beach. Some say that it is the next best thing to ocean surfing.

This is a must try for wave lovers around. Do come by to try it out yourself @ the Water Park in Sunway Lagoon. Park opens from 11am - 6pm Mon,Wed-Fri; 10am-6pm Sat-Sun & Public holidays.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Leap of Faith by RedFM Jocks

On a rainy Sunday afternoon on August the eighth, the Red.FM deejays JD, Dilly, Aly, Terry, Jeremy and Nisha jumped off the World Longest Suspension Bridge in Sunway Lagoon touching the lake below at 22 metres with only a rubber chord bound to their calves. It was a really unnerving experience for some of the jocks, but they were all real good sports. Aly and Terry did a tandem jump and they were so dramatic! It was actually really fun watching them edge closer to the brink of the platform and finally leapt off the birdge. Breaths were held and hearts were on an overdrive when they were in mid-air. Check out the pic below for the mid-air action.

Aly & Terryfied. pic courtesy of Aly

When it came to Jeremy's turn, he was singing Third Eye Blind's Jumper to calm his nerves. Fans looking from the bungy landing area chided him not to cry. Then he was off the bridge in a swift movement. He looked remotely like an amateur diver going for his first diving lesson. Some of the other jocks looked like they had prior experience to leaping off a building. Their courage is commendable. The adrenaline rush is contagious. Some of the fans were so moved by the Redfm jocks that they decided to jump as well. The fear is all in one's head. It was easy to see that the jocks were extremely hyper after the jump. They resembled rabbits on crack. Each of them received a Certificate of Insanity for the jump before adjourning to experience the rest of the parks in Sunway Lagoon.

If you intend to test your courage like them Red.FM jocks, you may do so at Sunway Lagoon Extreme Park for only RM50 (mykad holders). If you like Bungy Jumping, you may also like G-Force X.

Come feel the fun @ Sunway Lagoon